Frequently Asked Questions


Read through some of our FAQ. If you still have a question, feel free to give us a call or submit a question. Click the link below.

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Why should I switch to your agency?

Let the Google and Yelp reviews speak for themselves. Our agency doesn’t only provide you with protection that you should have, but also provides outstanding service. We promise to not have you waiting around for us to find an answer. Our agency is proactive and we work to get you an answer to your questions before the end of the business day.

How do i put in a claim?

As soon as you know that you need to put in a claim you are more than welcome to give our agency a call. We can walk you through the process, and will help you file one. If you are awaiting a call from the Claims adjuster and you do not hear from them in 24 hours, WE WANT TO KNOW. We will make sure that you are taken care of as the claims process can be stressful. But with us we will make it easy.

Does my Homeowners insurance cover a flood?

It all depends on the policy you chose. Some companies do offer private flood but when you are shopping for a quote you have to be upfront and tell your agent you want private flood. Most of the time your homeowners insurance does not offer flood and you would have to buy a separate policy through the National Flood program. If you have any other questions or want to know why in more detail give our agency a call-239-261-6533.

Do you only Represent Allstate Insurance?

No, our agency represents over 25 different companies for Homeowners/Condo insurance. We will run your information that you provide us with through a quoting system and get the best quote for you. You can pick and choose what you want to add or take off of the quote but we will offer advice and suggestions**as we go along.


Auto insurance can help protect you from expensive, sometimes devastating surprises. Let's say you're in a covered accident. As an insured driver, you can get help paying medical bills, repairs, certain legal defense costs and more.

WHAT COVERAGE For Auto insurance IS REQUIRED IN Florida?

Personal Injury Protection
If you and/or your passengers are hurt in an accident, this helps cover medical or funeral expenses.

Property Damage Liability
Helps cover expenses related to the damage of another person's property — like vehicles, homes, buildings and other structures — when an accident is your fault.

Please keep in mind that these are the required coverages in Florida but our agency does not suggest the bare minimum.

Not sure where to begin with your car insurance quote comparison?

Not sure where to begin with your car insurance quote comparison?

As you get several quotes, you'll want to make sure each quote has the same set of coverages, limits and deductibles.

Auto liability coverage, which may help pay for car repair and medical bills of another person if you cause an accident, is required in most states.

Additional coverage may be required, depending on your situation and your state's laws. For example, uninsured motorist coverage is mandatory in some states. And, if you're financing a vehicle, you may need comprehensive and collision coverage. Make sure you select the same set of required and optional coverages for each quote you get.

A limit is the maximum amount a policy will pay for a covered loss. Most states have minimum liability coverage limits that drivers must purchase. You may also have the option to increase your liability limits. Either way, make sure the limits you set for bodily injury liability coverage and property damage liability coverage are the same for every quote you compare.

A deductible is the amount you'll pay out of pocket toward a covered claim. Increasing your deductible may lower your car insurance premiums, but you'll typically pay more out of pocket in the event of a claim. To make an accurate comparison of car insurance rates, the deductibles you choose should be the same for each quote you get.

These tips may help you better understand what each policy provides so you can choose the one that's best for you!